
The St Regis Way
Self-Discipline for Learning Behaviour System (SDfL)
The Self-Discipline for Learning (SDfL) system ensures all pupils are supported in securing the very highest standard in their approach and behaviour to learning throughout the school day and secures the consistency across the school. Pupils can be awarded positive and negative SDfL points through Class Charts.
It aims to:
raise the standards our pupils expect of themselves and identify who needs further intervention.
provide a clear, differentiated response that promotes cooperation, collaboration and self-improvement in our pupils and change the language used by all members of the school regarding behaviour.
provide more clarity about where pupils are in terms of how serious their situation is, how they can improve their situation and what will happen if they do not.
There are clear stages of intervention at all levels by members of staff to ensure that pupils receive the right level of support and this information is available to parents/ carers through our partnership with Class Charts.
We celebrate the standard and reward progress and achievement.
Rewards play an essential part in school life and are often far more powerful in improving standards in behaviour and conduct than sanctions pupils can be rewarded positive SDfL points under the following categories:
Excellent effort
Outstanding effort
Excellent work
Outstanding work
Excellent extended learning
Outstanding extended learning
Contribution to the school community
Weekly achievement updates are shared with staff that celebrate pupils ’success. Half term reward assemblies celebrate pupils for achieving a high number of positive SDfL points bronze, silver, gold, platinum, 100% attendance, excellent most improved SDfL behaviour ratios, non-academic achievement awards, including character awards linked to our school values.
Restorative Practice
We recognise that for most pupils the relationships they build in school, with both their peers and teachers, has a significant impact on their approach to learning. As a result, Restorative Practice is an integral part of our behaviour policy.
Restorative Practice is not a direct replacement for sanctions but is an important aspect in repairing harm and restoring positive relationships. If a pupil receives a detention for not meeting the shared expectations, then the teacher or Form Tutor will attend the detention for a Restorative Practice conversation. Some pupils need to be taught how to behave well and the RP conversation is part of this process. It allows the teacher to model restorative approaches and proactively teaches pro-social skills. The pupil can then use these skills to help build a unified, harmonious community within the school and beyond. Restorative Practice is also used when pupils fall out and have a disagreement in order help them understand each other’s point of view without assigning blame.