
Examination Information
Formal, written examinations commence in May and are concluded in June. Prior to this, the majority of students will have completed school based assessment tasks etc. in the majority of their subjects that form part of the final qualification.
All students will receive:
An individual statement of entry – this details what exams they are entered for, the date and time of the exam and the seat location in the examination room. They should not lose this document.
An exam timetable – this details all the exams that are taking place. They should use their individual statement of entry to highlight on this exam timetable when they should be in school.
Exam board rules and regulations – these give precise details on what can/ cannot be brought into the exam room and the consequences of failing to follow exam board protocols. A copy of this can be downloaded from this site (below).
General information to students – what to do to make the exams happen without too much stress on the day (copy downloadable below).
Instructions for candidates
Exam Officer Contact Details
Exams officer - Mr Rogers
Telephone - 01902 552724 or 07508 708480
Email - exams@kingswolverhampton.co.uk