

At The King’s CE School, our school vision states that we wish to ‘transform the lives of others.’ Our local, national and international charity work is one way in which we try to do this. We firmly believe that all are made ‘in the image of God’ and we seek to reach out to those who through no fault of their own endure hardship and pain. We believe that all in our school community have a responsibility to help others whether that be through deepening our understanding of charitable causes, raising money or donating items to help those in need.
The Bible is very clear that everything in the world comes from God and we are merely stewards of all we have. Jesus very clearly instructed the rich young ruler: ‘give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;” while St Paul writes: ‘You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully’.
Our Charity Committee is made up of Sixth Form students who want to play their part in ‘transforming the lives of others.’ The Committee take a lead on the organisation of events but other students and staff also help out with the running of them. During Christ the King Day each year, our year 8 students explore Social Injustice and come up with imaginative fundraising ideas for our Advent Appeal. Our biggest fundraising day is our annual Culture Day. This is a celebration of our diversity as a school and an opportunity to give to those around the world who are less fortunate. This day takes place on the World Day of Cultural Diversity in May. Students are invited to come dressed in cultural clothes and a range of cultural foods are available at break time.
Participation in fundraising events, is one way we develop our school values of empathy, respect and responsibility. We are very passionate about supporting a range of charities and employ a variety of methods to do so. We are also regularly widening our support as students have the opportunity to support charities which they are particularly passionate about.
Here are just a few of the charities we currently support.
Internationally, we support Tearfund and have previously carried out a Bin Twinning and Toilet Twinning Appeal.
Nationally, we take part in Macmillan Coffee Morning and Christian Aid Week.
Locally, we support The Harvest Temple Food Bank, Good Shepherd Ministry and The Well. Also, since becoming a School of Sanctuary, we hope to regularly give to City of Sanctuary.
Here is a snap shot of typical charity work that takes place in the autumn term:
We run a Cake and Samosa sale for MacMillan. In 2021, we managed to raise £417! Macmillan)
Each house supports a different local food bank as part of our Harvest Appeal. Each form brings in donations which are presented to representatives from Good Shepherd Ministry, The Well and The Harvest Temple Food Bank during House Worship.
Our Advent Appeal is launched on Christ the King Day. In 2021, we raised money for those affected by Climate Change who were being supported by Tearfund. Form groups were challenged to raise £33 each.
Whilst these are the main focus for the term, we also regularly respond to initiatives suggested by pupils as we aim to raise as much as we can to help others.